Christopher Ranch’s California Garlic Blog

It’s no mystery that fresh garlic is one of the most popular, versatile ingredients ever. What remains relatively unknown, however, are the distinct flavor, quality and health differences associated with varying garlic varieties. Christopher Ranch, a family farm in Gilroy, Calif., grows a California heirloom garlic that is a leader in each category. All Garlic Is Not Created Equal. We’ll show you why.

Archive for garlic photo


I knew my day was going to be trouble when my shower “broke” right at the get go this morning. Now, a shower is like coffee to me. It wakes me up and gets me on the path to coherency (and cleanliness) to face the day. So I made do with a time consuming bath (I’m not complaining, just whining…) and scrambled to work (late!) where a mound of unplanned projects threw off my perfectly choreographed schedule (dream on, Garlicia…)

While slogging through my workload and waiting for the next shoe to drop, however, I had a Calgon moment (Google it, kids) when my boss stopped by with some garlic samples from one of our fields. The bulbs glowed with the iridescent sheen that California garlic possesses and their beauty mesmerized me for a second. Seeing my reaction, my boss presented me with one perfect stinking rose (I think the Bachelor/Bachelorette should pick up on this…) and I immediately had to take its photo.

Garlic is naturally beautiful and photogenic (I should be so lucky) and as much as I want to admire and gaze longingly at my lovely California Garlic bulb, it’s ultimate reason for being has nothing to do with beauty and everything to do with flavor. It’s off to the kitchen with you, my pretty. Looks like my day is turning out deliciously…